إضافة إلى وحداتنا القياسية الخاصة بالمناخ والمياه والطاقة في كمبيوتر عمليات “آي إس آي آي” بهوجيندورن، نُقدم وحدات برمجية خاصة لكي نتمكن من إدارة العمليات في الدفيئة لديك بطريقة أفضل. فيما يلي يمكنك إيجاد وحداتنا الخاصة التي من السهل إعدادها واستخدامها. وبفضل البرمجيات التركيبية، يمكنك اختيار الخصائص التي تحتاجها لأعمالك فورًا والمواظبة على إضافة ضوابط إضافية لاحقًا.
Achieve the ideal greenhouse climateالوحدة: Active Air
وعلى نحوٍ استثنائي، يأتي الهواء النشط ملائمًا للمزارعين الذين يستخدمون الدفيئة (شبه) المغلقة.
الهواء النشط بإيجاز:
- تحكم مثالي في المعدات المتنوعة المستخدمة في الدفيئة شبه (المغلقة) التي تتكامل مع المهام الأساسية مثل الحرارة والتهوية.
- مناخ مثالي لزراعة المحاصيل
- الإنتاج مثالي والمحاصيل بجودة عالية
- سهلة الاستخدام وتوفر وقتًا
- أقل استخدام للطاقة وأقل انبعاث لثاني أكسيد الكربون
Optimize plants’ growthالوحدة: PAR Control
For who?
PAR Control is recommended to growers who want to align the amount of PAR light to the needs and growth capacity of their plants. This module helps you to optimize growth and prevent light damage.
PAR Control in short:
- Optimum control of PAR light according to the plant’s needs
- Optimum production and crop quality
- User-friendly and saves time
Maximum growth with available CO2 الوحدة: CO2
For who?
The CO2 module is recommended to growers who want to control CO2 sources in the most effective way. Especially in case of multiple greenhouses and departments that include multiple CO2 sources, the module is of great benefit.
CO2 module in short:
- Optimum distribution of CO2 from various sources over greenhouses and departments
- CO2 dosing is aligned with plant’s requirements
- Optimum production and crop quality
- User-friendly and saves time
- Available CO2 is distributed evenly throughout the day in combination with heat storage
Optimize plant balance and save energyالوحدة: TO Control
For who?
The Temperature Optimization Control (TO Control) module is suitable for all types of cultivation and is recommended to growers who pursue an automatic average temperature for an optimal plant balance, energy savings and thus growth at minimum costs.
TO Control module in short:
- The right balance between light sum and average 24-hour temperature
- Healthy plant growth and development
- A balanced plant is less susceptable for pests and diseases
- Optimum production and crop quality
- Saves time and energy
- User-friendly
Ensure higher production & qualityالوحدة: Aquabalance
For who?
Aquabalance is especially suitable for Hydroponics, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
Aquabalance module in short:
- Plants receive 24/7 the right amount of water and fertilizer at the right time
- Optimal growth, production and quality
- Controlled amount of drainage
- Controlled dehydration of the substrate at night, for healthy roots
- If needed (when substrate gets too dry) automatic irrigation cycle at night.
- Prevent wasting of water and fertilizers
- User-friendly and saves time
Focused climate control to prevent energy lossالوحدة: Crop condensation
For who?
The module crop condensation is recommended to growers with a crop that is sensitive to condensation.
Crop condensation module in short:
- Saves energy, as extra dehumidification takes place only when necessary.
- Minimizes risks of pests and diseases and increases quality.
Anticipate on weather forecastالوحدة: Meteoscope
For who?
The module Meteoscope is suitable for all cultivations, especially for growers who want to anticipate on weather forecast to create an optimal crop growth and high-quality production, and save energy.
Meteoscope in short:
- Meteoscope enables you to anticipate on the weather
- Enables you to prevent corrections
- Creates an optimal crop growth and high-quality production.
- Saves energy.